A big HUGE thanks goes out to everyone who participated in our 2010 Cutest Kid Contest by booking a session, voting, and donating! We raised almost $2,500 for the FSNCC and a few clients have told me more is still coming in!! If you didn't get the opportunity to donate, and would still like to please visit the
FSNCC website here and donate via the paypal link on the bottom of their site.
Also please take a moment to read these two beautiful testimonials about what the FSNCC had done for those in our community.
"When I think of all the changes that I have experienced in my family, it takes my breath away because I never dreamed that this life would be my life. MY life was supposed to be neat and trim. Everything in order and in place.
But it wasn’t long before those days became silly in some sense because I now have the privilege of living a life that had been hand chosen for me for reasons I still cannot fully understand now. Not yet. Maybe not ever or at the very least--for a very long while. My life, even for all of its unplanned, unexpected and unnerving (at times) changes is still a life that I would not change for anything. Life changes and people can change with it or be forever disappointed, dismayed or discomforted by those changes.
Laurel says..
Change is a part of everything we experience. Our response to change is the test. Change is the only thing that is constant. The question is ‘How does one handle too much change at once?’ They get support and encouragement from people who know exactly how they think and feel and experience. For Mothers in this area, that comes from Family Support Network (FSN) The mothers who make up this group made an incredible difference in my life and in my family’s life. They listened and did not judge. Tears cried were a release of energy and bounded us together. My struggles became their struggles for that moment. That moment was all I needed for that time and that place in my life. To be listened to and not judged. I still cry at Family Support Network Mom’s groups because I feel so blessed and so privileged to be a part of something that grows and changes with the dynamics of those who need support. I truly hope that while I am in this place and in this time, that I can be of support and give back to the newest friend. I hope I can convey my struggles and blessings in a way that gives back even just a fraction of what has been so generously given to me. Each day is a blessing."
Monica says
"At the age of eight months old my typically developing son Connor was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms (a catastrophic seizure disorder), and my world was turned upside down. How could this have happened? Months later I was still weeping daily & grieving for the loss of the hopes and dreams that I had for him and for our family. I had to quit my job as a Nurse to stay at home & care for him, and I had never felt so alone in the world. Day in and day out I helplessly watched him have several seizures a day, all while everybody else that I knew went on with their lives. No one could understand what my husband and I were going through. No one that we knew had ever been through something like this.
Finally, someone told me about Family Support Network of Central Carolina. My life was forever changed…for the better. Within this organization, I found other Moms that knew what I was going through…Moms that had been there & done that. Families that didn’t judge me or my child, but gave us compassion & comfort. I felt like I had found a place that I belonged! Three years later, Connor is still battling seizures daily, but I feel that with the support of FSNCC that I am better equipped to deal with the challenges of having a child with special needs. I know that through the friendships of the other families we have met through FSNCC, that I AM supported on those tough days that I just want to throw in the towel. I’ve learned about resources that have benefited our family that I probably would have never known about. If it wasn’t for this organization, I hate to think of how much harder the past 3 years would have been! Thank you FSNCC, you have helped us to see our new set of hopes & dreams!"
Now that is what this contest was all about.. not a popularity contest for kiddos or their parents.. but a fun way for us to raise money for a really really wonderful charity which has made such an impact in the lives of those in our community.. other moms and dads like us!
So without further ado.. I give you the winners of Forget Me Not's 2010 Cutest Kid Contest!!!!! Winners were determined by popular vote with one vote counting for each comment containing a unique email address on the blog. Additionally, votes through email (for those wishing to keep their email addresses private) were also accepted. Voting opened early Monday morning the 1st and ended today at 5pm eastern.
1st place - Contestant #3

This handsome little man and his momma win:
$250 in cash :)
1 full 1-2 hour children's portrait session ($129 value)
a 4X6 leather bound album with 30 prints ($300 value)
an 11X14 custom framed mounted print ($200 value)
a beautiful piece of our sterling silver photo jewelry or one of our very popular photo purses/bags ($150 value)
a gift certificate for Forget Me Not boutique ($65 value)
a $50 savings bond from Southern Community Bank
A family 4 pass to feed the butterflies from All A Flutter Butterly Farm
a beautiful handbag from Splurges Boutique
.....and the opportunity to have future sessions at no charge as Forget Me Not's #1 model
2nd place - Contestant #10

This little man and his momma win...
1 full 1-2 hour children's portrait session ($129 value)
an 11X14 mounted print ($55 value)
a $25 gift certificate to Forget Me Not Boutique
a $50 Savings Bond from Southern Community Bank
a membership from the Little Gym and 1 month of free classes ($100 value)
3rd place - Contestant #14

This little lady and her momma win..
1 30 minute children's portrait session ($79 value)
an 8X10 mounted print ($45 value)
a $50 savings bond from Southern Community Bank
a Tote Bag from the 31 Collection ($20 value)
The following participants win by special selection due to outstanding qualities/circumstances by either the parent or child.... :)
Contestant #25 - Miss Personality -
Family passes to Art Quest
Contestant #11 - Sweetest Hugs -
A Gift Certificate to Maxi B's Bakery
Contestant #13 - Best Dancer
A Gift Certificate to Kid Tested
Contestant #24 - Big Brother to Be
A sling from Anna's slings
Contstant #7 - Most deserving
a $75 gift certificate to Balance Day Spa
These individuals were chosen at random from blog postings to receive the remaining prizes..
2 hours of Childcare from Bizi Kids -
lcb2290@live.comTupperware Double Plates from Wendy - Blogger Poster Chrissy (contestant #18)
Family passes for the Greensboro Grasshoppers -
kbriggs@triad.rr.comIf you are a winner.. please shoot me an email at forgetmenotphoto@gmail.com to claim your prize(s)!!!!!